Cifra Club

by Studio Sol Comunicação Digital

Music & Audio


The most downloaded tabs and chords app in the world!

Use Cifra Club to learn how to play an instrument! There are over 413,000 tabs of all musical genres, between releases, classics and the biggest hits of the moment! Learn with tabs for guitar, ukelele, acoustic guitar, bass and other instruments! Also:♫ Video lessonsMore than 2000 video lessons different instruments and music theory.♫ PlaylistsCreate lists with your favorite tabs to access offline, so you may perfect your skills anytime♫ Automatic scrollingActivate automatic scrolling to follow the tabs while you’re playing.♫ ToolsChange the tone and tuning, use capo, view the tabs and the chord shapes, switch to left-handed mode and more!Follow us on social media:Facebook: any suggestions?Our team is always looking to improve our app, contact them at [email protected] you can check the highlights, news and others contents all in one place! At our initial page, you can access classes of different instruments, as well as highlighted videos. Besides that, you can also see the most popular songs at the moment through the Top Tabs. Are you looking for a specific artist? You can just click the Top Artists section and choose your favorite! Keep up with curiosities about the world of music in our news’s section!

Read trusted reviews from application customers

O aplicativo deve estar com defeito, já salvei as cifras umas 3 vezes e quando entro pra ver alguma, simplesmente, não estão lá! Ele não salvaaa!

Ana Clara Borges Scriboni

Tradição no ensino e propagação da cultura musical

Walmir Ribeiro de almeida

O app é ótimo mas hj apareceu uma opção estranha "cebolão" e as tablaturas dos solos desapareceram, eu costumo desativar quando atrapalham mas a opção de ativar sumiu.

Miguel Maletzke

Com a nova atualização aumentou o tamanho da fonte e agr n da pra saber q casa a nota e feita, o número da casa fica escondido, arrumem isso!

Isaac Fernandes

Too much adds and some are just in the middle of the song, it's nonsense. No option to mark a song nor to make a liked song list. It's more an advertisement app than anything else. Despite that or if the above do not bother you, it's a reasonable app. But like many others apps, there's a lot of wrong or bad chorded songs.

Waldyr Costa

não está mais mostrando o desenho de todos os acordes! e tbm está com o layout quebrado qndo clica pra abrir o desenho. está cortando o numero da casa do acorde...

Walkirya Heto

amazing app


Cada botão que você clica tem uma propaganda.

Victor Marques

muitos anúncios

Vitor Leal

pqp q tanto de anuncio. O app eh excelente, mas tá começando a parecer esses joguinhos de chinês

Lucas Rios